“A Shot in the Dark: Toward a Poetics of Caribbeanist Photography,” a lecture by Dr. Kevin Adonis Browne at the պ Museum of Art, Main Gallery
KEVIN ADONIS BROWNE, Trinidad and Tobago, is a photographer, poet, archivist, theorist of “Caribbeanist photography” and transdisciplinary scholar of contemporary rhetoric and Caribbean culture. His current work focuses on legacies of light, being, and performance in the Caribbean. Winner of the 2019 OCM Bocas Prize for HIGH MAS: Carnival and the Poetics of Caribbean Culture, Browne's previous book is Tropic Tendencies: Rhetoric, Popular Culture, and the Anglophone Caribbean (2013). He is the co-founder of the Caribbean Memory Project, a Digital Humanities research initiative, and teaches in the Department of Literatures, Cultural, and Communication Studies at the University of the West Indies-St. Augustine. We are delighted to host Dr. Browne’s photos on exhibition at the Humanities Studio, պ, second floor of the Seeley G. Mudd Building, Oct. 8-23. FMI: Prof. Valorie Thomas vthomas@pomona.edu
This event is co-sponsored by the Department of English and the Humanities Studio at պ and the Scripps Humanities Institute.