Alumni Association Board Meeting Minutes 1/22/22

ÈÕº«Èý¼¶ Alumni Association Board Meeting Minutes

January 22, 2022 – 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Via Zoom


Members In Attendance: Aldair Arriola-Gomez ’17, Andrew Brown ’77, Alisa Fishbach, Paula Gonzalez ’95, Marcel Green ’90, Terril Jones ’80, Carol Kruse ’84, Jeff Levere ’12, Linda Luisi ’81, Jim McCallum ’70, Vicki Paterno ’75, Julie Siebel ’84, Don Swan ’15, Andrea Venezia ’91, Lew Phelps ’68, Megan Long ’08, Andrea Ravich ’06, Dominic Yoong ’88

Members & Representatives Absent: Nathan Dean ’10, Alfredo Romero ’91, Veronica Roman ’95, Amy Van Buren Rhodes ’07, Paola Franco ’17, Kerry Martin, Kristen Romero

Staff and Representatives: Kevin Dettmar, Nirali Devgan ’22, Lucy Takahashi, Pritina Irvin, Mariam Khwajazada, Dena LeBlanc

Special Guests: Hazel Raja

Call to order, Welcome and Introductions: President Don Swan ’15 called the meeting to order at 10:05 am. The meeting minutes from November 6, 2021, were approved unanimously by vote.

President’s Report: Don Swan ’15 updated the board on the most recent Trustee discussions: In conjunction with others in the 5Cs the college continues with COVID-19 protocols and testing being administered on campus. Don also gave an update on the College’s endowment and reviewed materials presented to the Trustees regarding the St6ratetgoc Vision and results of the Campaign Readiness report from GG+A consultants.

Faculty Representative Update: Professor Kevin Dettmar updated the board regarding the Faculty’s excitement about being back in the classrooms as of 1/31. He noted the damage that a severe wind storm has caused to campus trees (extent TBD). He noted that a new Dean will be selected by July 1. Kevin invited the AB to attend the Twyla Tharp Humanities Studio event on February 10 at 4:30 p.m.

Student Representative Update: ASPC President Nirali Devgan’22 also updated the board on the wind damage across the campus. She noted that the students just finished their first week of online classes and are excited for in-person class to resume on 1/31. Dining is still Grab & Go served by dining staff. Students are dialoguing on single-use waste/ sustainability. 40 students are currently isolating due to COVID, and Nirali gave an overview of the quarantine process for students. She also touched on some of the concerns that students have been circulating on social media. Around 60% of students are on campus with 40% to arrive in the next few days - they are expecting a bump in COVIUD cases with those returns. Lastly, Nirali shared that there is a student on the Search Committee for the new Dean and expressed gratitude that a student representative is included in the process

Career Development Office Representative Update: Special guest Hazel Raja, Associate Dean & Senior Director, updated the board on the activities and programs of the CDO. The Career Development Office has made some great strides in creating a more dynamic and transformative career development experience. In supporting our students and alums in their career journey, Hazel shared with the board the 3 areas of focus that drive the work of the CDO: 1) Commitment to helping Sagehens leverage their Liberal Arts degree, 2) Supporting students to see the CDO as part of their support system, leading to more confidence as they navigate their career and internships, and 3) Support for skill building through leadership and professional development areas. Since July, 200 appointments have been made with the CDO (by students and young alumni). The CDO and the Office of Alumni & Family Engagement continue to look for ways to partner.

Engagement Committee Report: Paula Gonzalez ’95 gave an update on the EC’s meeting schedule, they have split into 2 sub committees: charter and projects, to add a bit of structure, while continuing with engagement. Paula shared the objectives of the Charter’s work. The Projects subcommittee is hoping to produce an Alumni Board sponsored virtual event next Fall focused on alumni in Journalism fields. Paula mentioned the distribution of Graduation Stoles to be gifted to the Class of 2022 at Seaver House during Alumni Weekend.

Development Committee Report: Megan Long ’08 gave an update on the DC’s work with Annual Giving. The Development Committee’s presentation gave a progress snapshot of Giving Tuesday and other fundraising trends, showing the giving participation returning to pre-pandemic levels. Megan shared with the board that 371 were contacted during AB Member peer outreach, and 249 people from that pool gave a gift.

11:35 a.m Stretch Break

Regional Chapter’s Committee Report: Julie Siebel ’84 presented to the board on the recent resignation
of Chris Byington. Andrew shared with the board that the RC committee met with the Regional
Leaders to engage and discuss the goals and challenges of the Regional Chapters. The RCC is
asking for one representative from each Regional Chapter to attend Alumni Weekend (with
financial support from the College) to increase awareness for potential alums to join and create
more Chapters. Julie mentioned the roll-out of a RC events survey to alumni in each of the active

Leadership Development Committee Report: Alfredo Romero ’91 was unable to join this meeting but will provide an update viva email to the Board in the coming week or two.

Ad Hoc Committee - Group Norms and Alumni Board Member Removal: Andrea Venezia ’91 gave an update on discussions around implementing a principles of community practice for the Board, supporting an equitable and inclusive community. This agreement is still in draft form, but the Adhoc committee will update the board as they progress and finalize.

Additional Action Items

Alumni Weekend 2022: Mariam Khwajazada, Associate Director A&FE, gave an update on Alumni Weekend ’22 planning progress, mainly covering COVID-19 protocols, registration, and programming.

Director's Update: Alisa Fishbach, Director Alumni & Family Engagement, provided the board with a few updates on the Campaign Readiness 18-month Operating Plan, and how the alumni attitudinal survey and the build-out of a more structured volunteer program for our alumni are both a huge part of the foundation that the Office of Alumni & Family Engagement will be focused on in the coming months/year.

Adjournment: Don Swan ’15 adjourned the meeting at 1 p.m.

Next Alumni Board Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, March 19, 2022